I think it's pretty much explained in the title... kind of... for me it can be, but it takes knowing me to understand that. I can't explain, but I just needed to throw this out there.
I am a Language Assistant at an elementary school in Madrid. I like adventure and travel. In the past, I have been an Executive Recruiting Assistant/Receptionist/Advanced Sales Representative for Vector Marketing, taught remedial English classes at CSU, Chico, been a sales associate at a retail store specializing in jewelry design and beading, and worked at the Roseville Press-Tribune where I had a smattering of front page stories. I graduated with a degree in English from California State University, Chico, where I minored in Creative Writing.
Teaching is my new passion, but books will always be my life. Words inspire me more than anything. The wise Oscar Wilde once said "one must read everything." So, therefore, I read everything. Books, newspapers, street signs, warning labels, shampoo ingredients, but I prefer fiction over anything else.
I do have other passions as well. I like knitting. I am the biggest Gleek you will ever meet. I like to impress people with useless facts about random things, such as Jack Kerouac's drink of choice was a margarita.